
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quinoa-Bean Salad

You will really enjoy this versatile dish, which makes enough for lunches during the week and a dinner side dish too.


2 cups soaked and cooked beans (any kind, I used a mixture of Navy, Black, and Red)
2 cups soaked and cooked quinoa (I've used white and red)
1/2 cup pesto, try this version
5 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp real olive oil, try this one
Sea salt and pepper to taste (about 1/2 tsp each)
2 tsp coconut sugar (optional)

How To:
1. In a medium bowl, mix all ingredients above. Refrigerate until use.

2. That's it, seriously. Now enjoy!

This is another recipe inspired by my friend, Amber. She has been giving me quite a few great ideas lately, which is key for keeping meals interesting.

This has a wonderful flavor, the addition of pesto is brilliant in this recipe. We usually have pesto in the freezer as a result of all that we made using our basil in the fall. Try serving over arugula drizzled with a little olive oil.

Be sure to soak your beans and quinoa to maximize the nutritional benefit. You can do that by soaking in water mixed with a little whey or lemon juice or ACV for at least 12 hours (quinoa) and at least 24 hours (beans). I like to keep little one cup servings of soaked and cooked beans in the freezer to make recipes like this a breeze. Also, the quinoa cooks very fast after soaking--I think about only 5 minutes after the water boils.

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This recipe was shared at Fat Tuesday, Traditional TuesdaysSlightly Indulgent Tuesday, Adorned from Above, Real Food Wednesday, and Waste Not Want Not Wednesday. Please follow the links for more great recipe ideas!


  1. Looks delicious!! I'm stopping by from the Waste Not Want Not blog hop.
    PS - I'm also your newest GFC follower & here is my blog if you wanted to follow back:

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I am a new follower on Bloglovin (I didn't see the GFC on your sidebar, so I used that, but let me know if I just missed it).


  2. Wow, so easy but it looks so tasty! Thanks so much for sharing this, Linda :) I've pinned it to the Waste Not Want Not pinterest board.

    1. Thank you! It is super fast and easy and really good with that pesto.

  3. Linda, just letting you know that your link to Food on Friday: Salmon was featured in my Need Some Inspiration? Series today. Hope you are having a good week.

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you posted it because it reminded me of that wonderful recipe and I found a couple of additional good ones on your site. Thanks for the inspiration!



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