
Monday, October 29, 2012

Buttermilk Biscuit Rolls

We like biscuits and gravy here. It's one of those things we have just not been able to give up forever and my husband makes about once a month. Since we do enjoy it so much, we thought we would try to find a better choice for the biscuits and after much researching we came up with this recipe. These biscuits are very good with the biscuits and gravy, but have a definite dinner roll feel to them and we enjoy them alongside our dinners as well. I couldn't decide if they were more biscuit or more dinner roll, so we call them biscuit rolls. Enjoy!

2 1/2 cups ground spelt flour
6 tbsp cold butter, chopped
1 1/2 cups real buttermilk (read this) or soured raw milk (see comments below)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt

How To:
1. Soak flour: Do this the night before (12 to 24 hours before using). In a medium to large bowl, cut butter into flour until incorporated. You can use your hands to easily do this. Then add the buttermilk and combine with a wooden spoon or you can use your hands here too--it's just a little messy.
Just after adding milk to the flour.

All mixed together and ready to rest.

Cover with a towel and set aside somewhere warm for 12 to 24 hours. I use the top of my refrigerator or stove. You're looking for warmth of about 80 degrees.

2. Make biscuits: 12-24 hours later.... Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Add the baking powder, baking soda, and salt to the dough and knead to combine. Only knead long enough for you to feel confident that everything has been completely incorporated. Then, pick off 1/4 cup sized pieces and roll into a general ball shape. Place onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper with about an inch or two of space between them.

3. Cook: Bake for about 10 to 15 minutes depending on size. Keep an eye on them. Remove from the oven and serve.

You could get fancy and add herbs to the dough in step 2 or even brush with some melted butter to cook. However, this would definitely be more of a dinner roll then. Or cover with white gravy and now you have biscuits. These are really good and very easy to make. I think you'll enjoy them! This makes about 18 biscuits. Hands-on prep time is not long, but just remember the extra time needed to soak the flour--the night before at least.

Also, I rarely keep buttermilk in the house and typically make mine with soured raw milk. If you go that route, add the same amount of soured raw milk as indicated above (1 1/2 cups) but you may want to add a bit of whey too (up to a tbsp.) if your milk is not very "soured" yet. If it's quite soured, you won't need to add the extra whey. It's not science, just use your best judgment - I use the sniff test on mine. If it smells pretty sour, I don't add the extra whey and if I can drink it or it still smells only mildly soured, then I do add it.

Of course, if you go the raw milk route, then you can't really call them buttermilk biscuits, but I won't tell if you won't. :)

Variation without butter, but corn, oregano, and chopped bell pepper
added after soaking (we wanted little rolls for chili)
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  1. I am so going to try these! They look great, and easy...double bonus ;)

    1. Oh great! You'll have to let me know if you think they are more biscuits or more rolls. :) They are easy, letting them soak overnight is actually a nice way to split up the prep.

  2. Linda,I have the dough soaking on my fridge! My husband loves his bread, and like you I am always trying to find healthy ways to make it, so I am really excited to see how these turn out, they look great. I am going to cut them open and use them for meatball sammy's! I am always so impressed with your recipes. I am always discouraged with many blogs that use lots of processed foods. I am going to share this post on my facebook page, you can see it here . Thanks, and I will let you know how they turn out! ~Lesley

    1. That is so awesome! I can't wait to hear how you like them. I am curious if you think they work well for meatball sandwiches - I think they would, you'd just have to make them big enough. You want to soak at room temp or even a little warmer - around 80 degrees. The dough will look a little crusty the next day but it is very light and puffy. :) I am so glad you left that link, I was wondering if you had a blog or a page. I am a follower now!

      I think it is really tough navigating this world of processed foods and fast foods and it is so awesome to be able to share ideas and learn from each other with these blogs. You should check out the bloggy girls club... It is helpful to get a little exposure....

    2. PS, isn't it funny the things we try to figure out for our husbands (and little ones). I am the same way. :)

    3. Oh thanks for the heads up on how the dough will look! I was going to make them a bit bigger for the sammy's too.

      Now I was thinking that you already followed my blog, because I thought that is how I found you?? LOL not sure though, but if you haven't seen my actually blog here it is

      I do really appreciate your blog though because like you said it is tough to weed through all the processed stuff out there, and there really isn't a ton of blogs dedicated to whole foods, either that or I am just super picky! LOL, either way, of all the blogs I follow, yours is my favorite, your style, and cooking methods are similar to mine, but different enough to make them interesting ;) if that makes sense.

      Ok I will stop babbling now, and I will def. update you on how the rolls turn out!

    4. Thank you for the thoughtful words! It is really appreciated. :)

    5. Well my optimism about these rolls did not go unfounded. They are fabulous, my dd wanted to eat the all ;) I made mine with yogurt instead, and made the rolls like mini loaves to accommodate them for sammy's, and it worked perfect. These couldn't be easier, and we get rolls for dinner.

      Now about the biscuit/roll question, I lean more towards a roll, BUT...they are a little in between, not as dense as a biscuit, but not as fluffy as a "roll". So I think calling them a "Biscuit Roll" is pretty accurate. Doesn't matter though what they are called, the are Fantastic and double easy.

      These will def. be a staple in our home. They are so versatile you could use them for all kind of things....I'm even thinking "strawberry short biscuit roll" ;)

      Thanks again Linda for the great recipe!!! My family thanks you too =)

    6. That is awesome!!! You'll have to share any really good variations you come up with. :)

    7. I know I get WAY to excited about food, and probably need to get out more =) but I live breath and food LOL, just have to tell you these were incredible with my meatballs, and I will come up with variations for sure, and when I do...I will def. make a link to your site! Again......thanks for the recipe! Us bloggers need some appreciation sometimes cuz we sure don't do this to get rich! ;)

  3. This looks so good! New follower here from Frugally Sustainable. I would love for you to come share at my Farm Girl Friday Blog Fest:

  4. Found your recipe from the Hey What's for Dinner Mom? link party. These rolls look very yummy! Thanks for sharing.

    I am now following your blog and look forward to more recipes!
    Cynthia at

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by! I really enjoyed looking through your blog and am a new follower. :) I am going to try making the dog biscuits and the Indian bean soup looks delicious! :)


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