
Monday, October 8, 2012

Test Kitchen: Sesame Honey Candy

I think that one of my husband's greatest difficulties on a real food diet is that he feels like he cannot satisfy his sweet tooth. He is often looking for a sweet snack and this treat satisfies that craving in a wonderful, nutritious way!

The original recipe instructs one to roll the sesame seed/ honey mixture into little logs, but as you can see, I shaped mine into little logs, long logs, rectangles, circles, balls, letters, even a little pac man.

I also added something to my treats--I rolled some in almond flour. My husband thought these were wonderful, just like a chic-o-stick. I think they are great too (but not necessarily like a chic-o-stick). I halved the original recipe, but you can follow this link to the original recipe on Nourished Kitchen and view all the wonderful content that website has to offer.

Olive oil (a small amount to grease your pan and hands)
1 1/2 cups hulled sesame seeds (I've used 2 parts white to 1 part black and equal parts both, you'll have to determine your own preference but you might start 2:1 unless you're positive you like the taste of black sesame seeds)
1/2 cup honey (raw or otherwise, you'll be cooking all the "raw" out of it, so either is fine)
Unrefined sea salt to taste
Almond flour (optional), about 1-2 tbsp
Butter, 1 tbsp, (optional)

How To:
1. Prep: Generously grease your baking sheet with olive oil and set aside. Heat a skillet over medium high flame until it is hot.

2. Cook: Add your sesame seeds and stir continuously until seeds are well-toasted and golden brown (4-6 minutes). Add honey and salt (and butter if using) and stir until the seeds are well coated and the mixture stiffens. Pour onto greased baking sheet and pat down smooth with your wooden spoon.

3. Candy Creation: Score (approximately 1x1 inch) while hot, then set aside until the candy is cool enough to handle (about 10-15 minutes). When cool, but sill warm, grease fingers and shape the candy pieces as you like. Roll in almond flour, if desired, and shake off excess. Cool completely before serving.

The Nourished Kitchen recipe indicates that these treats are a traditional Greek candy called Pasteli. They are very good! You will have about 40-50 little candies, depending on the size of the shapes you make.

The great thing about the ones covered in almond flour is that the stickiness issue is gone immediately and my husband swears they taste better, but honestly, they taste the same. The non-covered ones will dry to relatively no stickiness fairly quickly. Finally, I have been adding a little butter to some batches (see optional ingredient #2 above). I am not sure if it makes them taste any different, but maybe they are a tiny bit tastier? Who knows...  You'll have to experiment yourself and let me know what you think.

A few words of wisdom:
1. This candy is really freakin' hot when you take it off the heat. DO NOT TOUCH IT and handle it very carefully. A small amount dropped onto my counter after I took it off the heat and I wiped it up with my finger - instant blister. Another small amount fell onto my thumbnail and burned me through my nail. I cannot stress strongly enough that this is very hot stuff when it's cooking and when it comes off the heat until it cools. And it's sticky (imagine flaming hot sesame seeds stuck to your skin) so handle with care.

2. Less is more regarding the honey. You'll maybe want to add a bit more honey, I mean who doesn't want more honey? But I wouldn't.... Actually, I did try more honey on a batch thinking "more honey, YUM", and I'm telling you it wasn't worth it. :)  It just takes longer to harden-- you'll be waiting around forever to shape your little pieces.

3. Be sure to really let the candy cool before trying to shape it. If you shape it too soon and it's too soft you'll end up with a mess on your hands and extra frustration. It is very easy to roll and handle once it is sufficiently cool.

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  1. I'm just like your husband in that I'm always needing to satisfy my sweet tooth! :) These look like a great treat and would do just the trick!

    1. They are pretty addictive! I hope you enjoy. :) Thanks for the comment!

  2. This sesame honey candy looks so good! Thanks for sharing this fun recipe at our Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We are so glad you came and hope you'll be back with more fun recipes! -The Six Sisters

    1. It is very good and so easy. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. This looks so good!
    I would love to have you share this or any other of your recipes at Wednesday Extravaganza - my Foodie Link Party! Here is the link:

    Can't wait to see you there!

    1. Thanks for the comment! They are really addictive. :) I just added this recipe to yesterday's party. I browsed your blog too and really enjoyed looking through the recipes. I lived in Wiesbaden, Germany many years ago and I still miss the food!

    2. Oh ya tell me about it! I'm in the States for 7 months now and missing the German Food gets worse from day to day. There is just some things that you can't get here to make authentic German things :(

  4. This looks tasty. And I appreciate all the extra tips about your process. Love that you made treats shaped like pac man! Thanks for sharing at Snacktime Saturday :)

  5. Thanks for the comment! These are really good, in fact surprisingly good. I hope you'll give them a try.

  6. Yay! I'm glad you brought these to Foodtastic Friday! I used to love these as a kid.


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