
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pumpkin Cornbread (with GF variation)

It seems like we all have pumpkin fever around this time of year and are looking for places to include pumpkin in our recipes. I came across this recipe by The Comfort of Cooking, which is a perfect combination. Man, is this stuff good! I modified it slightly from the original version, which you can find at the link above, and also include a Gluten-Free variation that is equally good for those who are interested.

1/4 cup organic butter, melted
1/3 cup maple and/ or coconut sugar (I used a mix of both to equal 1/3 cup)
1 tbsp. local honey
1 large pasture egg
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 cup sour cream (or buttermilk)
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup spelt flour (or go gluten-free and use 1/2 cup almond flour)

How To:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, stir melted butter, sugar, and honey together. Whisk in egg. Then whisk in baking soda, sour cream, and pumpkin puree.

2. Add salt, cornmeal, and spelt flour and mix, but do not overmix. As soon as the flour disappears, stop mixing.

3. Add batter to a greased (I used butter) 8-inch baking dish and smooth the top. Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.


Serve this with butter and/ or drizzled in honey as a delicious side dish to chili or hamburger stroganoff. All the pictures above are the gluten-free version (almond flour instead of spelt flour), taken right after they were baked, and they were equally as tasty as the gluten version.

In the batch I made with the spelt flour, I also used sour cream. In the batch I made with the almond flour, I "made my own buttermilk" by adding a little apple cider vinegar to heavy cream, but as it turns out, I could have just made actual buttermilk since I had heavy cream, although I didn't realize that until I searched.

The only difference I noticed in the two versions was that the gluten-free version took about five minutes longer to cook, although that could have been due to other variations. I would make either/ both versions again, probably only depending on whether I had more spelt or more almond flour on hand.

The picture below is the gluten (spelt flour) version, taken the next day.

Version made with sour cream and spelt flour

Version made with sour cream and spelt flour

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  1. Oh my gosh 2 of my FAVORITE FOODS IN ONE?? Pumpkin and cornbread!! What a GREAT combination! I really never tire of pumpkin, I will def be making this very soon! Great usual! Thanks!!

    1. LOL! I know, me too. These are so awesome. I can't take the credit though, got the great idea from another blog and just tweaked a bit. I made two batches today already. ha!

  2. well you can take credit that you made them, and passed it on to us..thanks! :)I posted a meatloaf recipe today and made the "biscuit rolls" to have with it, and made a link to you on my post! I just love those.....still....their a staple here now! :)

    1. We make them all the time here too! I just saw your meatloaf recipe and left a comment, but I was really interested in that fruit butter recipe! I can't wait to try that.

    2. Ya, the focal point of the meatloaf was the fruit butter! Wanted to tell you we put the fruit butter on the biscuit rolls......SO GOOD!!!

  3. Interesting! I have a Pumpkin Cornbread recipe that is quite different, with a lot more pumpkin. I never attempted to make it gluten-free, though, but I have made it vegan with hemp protein.

    I agree that Pumpkin Cornbread is an excellent side dish with chili! Happy autumn!

    1. I just found the recipe, I love that it has more pumpkin. I was also intrigued by the hemp protein powder you use, of which I have honestly never heard, but I am aware of the wonderful health benefits of hemp so am anxious to try this. What a wonderful blog you have and I am so glad you left a comment here!

  4. This looks so wonderful! I think I'd try it with some millet flour instead (I'm allergic to almonds) but it looks like it would be moist and sweet.

    Thanks so much for sharing this on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday :) I've pinned it to my WNWN board and don't forget to check back on Wednesday to see if you've been featured.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment and please do come back and let me know how it is with millet flour! I can tell you I've made it with several different flours (not millet though) just depending on what I have in the house and it always turns out good. And actually, I think it is even better the next day.

      Have a wonderful holiday!!

  5. Pumpkin cornbread!? That's brilliant. I love cornbread and this sounds like a great twist on a classic. :)

    Thanks for linking up to Thank Your Body Thursday! Hope you'll come back this next Thursday!

    1. These really are fantastic! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. Marie Callender's organic cornbread is to die for…. I've used this mix for several years and everyone in my family loves it!! Now, it's sort of a tradition for me and the little ones to have weekly baking sessions with MC’s cornbreads and muffins. You should visit their website today to purchase your mixes. I’m sure you will enjoy the great taste!

    1. This cornbread is very good - put aside the packaged Marie Callenders, with it's canola oil and non fat milk powder, and make this recipe instead! This recipe has lots of nutritious whole food ingredients and it is easy to make too. You will not miss that packaged stuff, I promise!


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